Garinger High School Athletic Booster Club

2023-24 Garinger Booster Club Membership image - click to enlarge

2023-24 Garinger Booster Club Membership

Friday, August 11th – Monday, July 1st

Garinger High School

1100 Eastway Dr, Charlotte, NC 28205

Event Policy: All memberships are final. No refunds or exchanges.

High School sports play an important role, providing an opportunity for high school students to develop skills in a sport, strengthen their leadership abilities and provide an incentive for academic performance. 

The Booster Club at Garinger helps to support our athletic program with funding, volunteers and building pride in the school. Examples of support include providing important supplies to the athletic department, funding for equipment and capital purchases. Many of the funded items benefit not just athletes, but all students, such as improving athletic fields and facilities. 

Your support for the booster club directly impacts the success of this important program and the lives of all the student athletes.